Emerging Market Investing Isn’t For Everybody

The huge price drops in silver and gold can only be explained by substantial hedge fund selling that smacks of credit crisis panic. Price gauge tied to consumption fell 0.1% M/M (matching est.); was up 1.4% Y/Y (est. 1.5%). Excluding food & energy, prices rose 0.1% M/M & 1.4% Y/Y (matching both ests.). The silver selloff is much more advanced than is the one for gold. Silver peaked in April and had its first big selloff in May. Of course, a number of people will have more than one objective and covering those bases may mean investing in a a small number of diverse sorts of coins. It made a double bottom in May and July and didn’t trade below those levels until today. A tradable bounce should take place soon and the gap in the chart from today is likely to be covered in that move. The main silver ETF, SLV, has two huge gaps on its chart. A fat finger error was cited as a possibility (this is when a clerk accidentally puts an extra zero or two or three after the number of shares when entering a sell order). This number was 16.2% last month. With the increase in the number of businesses floating shares the quantity of shares increased and the need for an organized place was felt to exchange the shares.

That is why agents need to market to this demographic. Being patient is therefore not a moral imperative or something you need to do for the good of humanity, but is a logical necessity to do well in the market in the long run as a value investor. This means that an investor can place funds into a specific country’s production of a good and make a different return than if they placed the capital into another nation’s economy. Once a few overextended funds are forced to sell because of the financial turmoil in Europe, things can go downhill pretty fast. Within the SRS account, I also split the funds into 2 and invested in equal portion in an index fund and a lifecycle fund. Conversely, when the index is low, the level of stock allocation would be higher. Everything should be out in the open and available to the public if it is a legitimate stock. This news was out around the time the DAX had its precipitous fall. Prior to that, the DAX had been slowly drifting lower.

1628.60 an ounce at its worst point, breaking its support in the lower 1700s by quite a bit. Today, silver pierced its 325-day simple moving average — an important support level for any commodity. Gold broke its 50-day simple moving average yesterday for the first time since June. Between 3:30 and 4:00PM Central European time the DAX, the major German market index, lost around 250 points. Greece’s central bank activated the Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) program to help its struggling banks stay afloat. ELA is only for emergencies, so its use indicates that Greece is teetering toward default. For the labor force to drop by millions indicates an extremely weak economy. If the labor force hasn’t dropped by as much as the BLS claims, then the unemployment rate is in the double digits and this also indicates no significant recovery has taken place. Gold on the other hand made a double top in mid-August and early September. The DMI technical indicator gave a sell signal for SLV on the daily charts today and was about to do so for the major gold ETF, GLD.

It was down by double digit amounts on Thursday and then by an even greater amount today. It confirmed that double top today by trading below its August low. The BLS released its non-farm payroll figures for October today and they stated that 80,000 jobs were created and that the U.S. ECB president Trichet admitted today that the EU’s debt crisis has become systemic and has moved from the smaller countries to the larger ones. Investors should ask themselves what exactly is going on that the ECB needs help maintaining liquidity. The Bank of England also announced that it was extending a swap line to the ECB. 108.60 an ounce. Both gold and silver traded below previous lows set earlier this year. The drop in silver was truly spectacular. If today’s drop was an isolated incidence it wouldn’t necessarily be anything to worry about. This is roughly equivalent to a 500 point drop in the Dow Industrials in half an hour. We are not nearly at the point yet.

They are an admission that something is rotten in Denmark or in this case, Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Italy. I. E. C. Haramis I was born in Athens, Greece and I studied Business Administration, Marketing and Economics in Greece, in U.S.A. In addition, M1 holds little cash (Similar to Starhub) and their high dividend yield is mainly feasible due to the recurring business. It is dangerous to simply buy the stock due to hearsay or analyst reports about it being a hidden gem that will soar 100% by the next year. It is still under testing and will probably be revealed in due time. Overall, the factors in investing fixed deposits make it one of the best options for a conservative approach or one in which a determined time period is known. Taking care of feet goes beyond investing in the right foot cream. It becomes efficient bcos the market participants are constantly taking out the inefficiencies.